Diving into the UX
Deep Search & Smart Insights
Tool-wide integration of AI meant identifying optimum checkpoints where AI would improve practitioner workflows. I focused on designing:
1. Deep Search – find relevant resources faster.
2. Smart Insights – leverage AI to summarize or pull insights from resources.
Initial wireframe
Finding resources specific to project location was paramount for practitioners, and simply typing in the search location would hinder specificity of location.
Updated iteration
We sliced the search bar into input field and location picker and integrated a CTA for insight generation right up front. But we faced one problem – it didn't look as important as it was.
Search + Insights | Home version
Splitting Deep Search and Smart Insights was a bold step – and one in the right direction. This dual-action approach helped us assign enough importance and discoverability to both features. We further modified the UI.
Search + Insights | Modified
In action
Generative insights
Insight cards make it easer for practitioners to know if they're looking at the right resource for projects. Here are some explorations.
Throughout testing, Insights cards received thumbs up. However, visual distinction remained a head scratcher. To combat this, I proposed custom fill & accent colors for AI features.
Smart Insights UI